Τετάρτη 14 Οκτωβρίου 2015

The color as a design tool

Color is the codification of human nervous system to distinguish the wavelengths of light, incident on the sensor organ of vision.
Color is an integral part in human life as everything surrounds us. Color moves us and expresses our feelings, affects our mood, reveals part of our character and shapes our psychology. Each color has its own "power" and expresses different emotions.

Human's relationship with color dictated by nature, which is the most important color inspiration. The images and influences, natural environment gives us, are so many and so rich that are imprinted in our memory and consciousness and are identified with colors and words. Besides many shades defined with names derived directly from nature, such as the blue of the sea, the red of fire, the vibrant green of leaves, the sand beige or the lemon yellow. So the color palette is the vocabulary of colors in nature.

Color and architecture are integral, indivisible and interrelated concepts through time. Always color in history of architecture was an important element in the building’s form. Especially in the traditional architecture of many cultures polychromy predominated, with colors that usually came from the natural environment of each region.

The way modern movement used the color has played a significant role in the image of contemporary city. The way is not simply decorative but more structural and substantial, color describes masses even different functions and movements through building’s space. Color in Architecture is used as a design tool to highlight the architectural elements, the route, the engraving and signage, the use and gives identity and character.

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